Milch Racing was started by motorcycle drag racer David Laudermilch in late 2018. He started this as an endeavor to help fund his drag racing efforts and to learn more about running a business. He started by making a few Harley tools to see if he could sell them. A hobby turned into a full blown obsession.
We design, manufacture, and sell specialty tools for American V-Twin motorcycles. Our tools are 3d printed from high quality PETG plastics and all of our designs are thoroughly tested to ensure only the best quality for our customers. We also offer services such as CAD modeling, CNC machining, Automotive machining, and various engineering services.
Milch Racing's goal is to provide the best products and services possible at a reasonable cost to the consumer. Quality comes before anything else.
Feel free to send us an email with any questions, comments, or concerns. All feedback is appreciated.